[알고리즘] 정비소 문제 - Bellman Ford Algorithm
Q. Efficiently solve this problem for the following input. What algorithm should you use? Give the step - by - step descripion of the arrays D[0..6] and P[0..6]. Write the recursive algorithm 'void path (int P, int k)' to print out the final path. Write the final answer. Input 120 (최대 거리) 5 (정비소 개수) 80 30 30 60 40 20 (거리) 5 10 4 12 8 (정비 시간) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 T[최소비용] 0 5 10 9 (14 , 9) 21 (21 , 22) 1..